The Real World of Global Health
The first graduates of New Jersey Medical School’s global health distinction program talk about what they’re thinking and feeling as they careen into the medical profession during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The first graduates of New Jersey Medical School’s global health distinction program talk about what they’re thinking and feeling as they careen into the medical profession during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Much of Mansi Shah’s undergraduate experience at Rutgers has involved caring for marginalized populations, whether close to home or in another country. She’s come to understand it’s all global health, an outlook that will continue to inform her path long after graduation.
A campaign led by graduate student Jack Hemphill is underway to collect, produce, and donate items that are in short supply during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Rutgers Global Health Institute Student Council is responding to urgent local needs, such as PPE for health workers as well as food and personal hygiene products for community members.
The New York Times reports that the FDA granted emergency authorization for the at-home saliva collection kit that was developed at Rutgers by RUCDR Infinite Biologics. The laboratory’s COO and director of technology development, Andrew Brooks, said Rutgers has 75,000 test kits ready to ship and can process 20,000 tests each day, with a 48-hour turnaround. He expects other labs around the country to adopt it for their own use.
Rutgers experts offer insight and advice on a range of topics related to COVID-19.