Benjamin Crabtree

Benjamin Crabtree

Benjamin F. Crabtree is an applied medical anthropologist and Distinguished Professor of Family Medicine at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. He received a master of arts degree in applied anthropology from the University of South Florida and a Ph.D. degree...
Wendy Purcell

Wendy Purcell

Wendy M. Purcell is a global thought leader focused on transforming lives through education and research in pursuit of social equity, the knowledge economy, and sustainable development. Prior to joining Rutgers, she was an academic research scholar at the Harvard T.H....
Ubydul Haque

Ubydul Haque

Ubydul Haque is an assistant professor of global health at Rutgers Global Health Institute with a joint appointment as an assistant professor of epidemiology in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the School of Public Health. He is a geospatial...
Soko Setoguchi

Soko Setoguchi

Soko Setoguchi, MD, DrPH, is a practicing general internist and epidemiologist and a professor of medicine and epidemiology. Setoguchi is an international expert in health services/outcomes research, comparative effectiveness research, and pharmacoepidemiology using...
Devin English

Devin English

Devin English is committed to reducing health inequities through understanding, combatting, and preventing racism, heterosexism, and other forms of identity-based violence. English’s research has focused on the harmful health effects of discrimination within Black...