Project Map Submission Form

Fields marked with an * are required

Rutgers faculty, staff, and administrators are encouraged to use the form below to submit information about their global health projects, which we will incorporate into our efforts to demonstrate the depth and breadth of Rutgers’ global health involvement.

Staff at Rutgers Global Health Institute will review your submission and then post the project details on our interactive map, a tool that can help build connections across the university and beyond.

Project Type (select all that apply) *

Project Location

Enter the city, state/territory (U.S.), and country where the project takes place. Multiple locations can be added in subsequent steps.

Do you want to add another location (up to 15 locations may be added)? *
How did you hear about Rutgers Global Health Institute's project map? (select all that apply)

Permission Notice: By clicking submit, you give permission for the project information you entered on this form to be published on Rutgers Global Health Institute’s website and in other materials designed to build awareness of global health activities across Rutgers.