This calendar features events relevant to global health from throughout the Rutgers community. To inquire about listing your event, contact us at
This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.
Joanna Regulska, Vice Provost of Global Affairs at UC Davis
The Office of Global Health at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, in collaboration with Rutgers Global, presents its Annual Global Health Fair, featuring poster presentations and keynote speaker Joanna Regulska, vice provost and associate chancellor of Global Affairs at the University of California, Davis, where she also is a professor of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies.
As Rutgers University’s first vice president for international and global affairs, Regulska led a major effort to build the first centralized office: the Centers for Global Advancement and International Affairs. In 2014, Rutgers earned NAFSA’s Senator Paul Simon Award for comprehensive internationalization. In 2013, Regulska received the Fulbright U.S.-Korea International Education Administrator Award.
Now at UC Davis, Regulska oversees Global Affairs, the university’s central global office, where among several initiatives, she is leading two visionary priorities: striving to provide all students with valuable global learning experiences before graduation; and strengthening the university’s global research, education and engagement efforts. In 2019, she was honored as the first-ever recipient of the Senior International Officer Award from the Institute of International Education.
All faculty, staff, and students who participated in a global health initiative within the past year are welcome to submit abstracts for possible inclusion in the poster presentation. For more information, or to submit an abstract, contact Christina Rozario at 848-932-0233 or