Noa’a Shimoni
Noa’a Shimoni, MD, MPH, joined the New Jersey Medical School Department of Family Medicine in 2012. She is a family physician with a clinical focus on women’s and reproductive health. Her community-based work includes the medical school’s Student Family Health Care Center, a student-run practice that provides free medical care to Newark area residents who do not have insurance. Her other work includes the SAVE (Screening Access of Value to Essex Women and Men) program, an early cancer detection program that provides pap smears, mammograms, colposcopy, and other cancer screening and diagnosis to area residents who are uninsured or underinsured. Her research focuses on improving the patient experience. She is focused on interprofessional team-based approaches that promote well-being, and she actively works to integrate medical with behavioral health into clinical practice.
Shimoni also serves in several leadership roles throughout Rutgers. In 2022, she was named the associate vice president for student health and wellness at Rutgers and the associate vice chancellor for student affairs – student health and wellness at Rutgers University–New Brunswick. She also is the director of student health services in Newark for Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences.
Noa’a Shimoni