Edmund Lattime
Lattime currently serves as associate director for research and education affairs at Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey. In this role, he has been responsible for overseeing the development of all education and training programs. He is a member of the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences faculty mentoring program steering committee and leads the education and career development core at Rutgers Cancer Institute. He also is a leader of the global health oncology fellowship program.
Extramurally, Lattime is active within ECOG-ACRIN (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group and American College of Radiology Imaging Network) as chair of the laboratory sciences committee and co-chair of the immune strategy biomarker group. He also is a member of the external advisory boards of Massey Cancer Center at Virginia Commonwealth University and Roswell Park Cancer Center, where he advises on research and education and training initiatives.
Edmund Lattime